We believe that people learn best when:
What they learn:
- Is personally meaningful
- Is connected to real life
- Is appropriate to their developmental level
- Challenges them to reach their next level of understanding or personal goal
- Promotes exploration of new ideas
How they learn:
- Involves the freedom to make choices
- Bridges the gap from the known to the new
- Incorporates a variety of approaches, such as music, movement, modeling, visuals, and hands-on activities
- Encourages creative problem solving
- Promotes risk-taking, reflection, revision, and redoing
- Includes opportunities for social interaction
- Provides opportunities to practice new skills and revisit old ones
The setting in which they learn:
- Provides a positive emotional climate that fosters respect
- Promotes enthusiasm and good humor
- Supports the intended learning
- Celebrates accomplishments
- Is clean, comfortable and safe
- Extends beyond the classroom to include the home and community